24 January 2025
The Eight Rs of Sustainability
Being sustainable means understanding what we consume and how our habits trap us into unhealthy lifestyles. This infographic helps you follow the eight Rs of sustainability: rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, repurpose, regift, and recycle.

31 October 2024
Practising Self-care
Take a breath and use these simple techniques to take control of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being during your studies.

7 October 2023
Kenangan Prof. Tjut
With the retirement of Prof. Tjut Sugandawaty Djohan, members of the lab get together to share their memories of its former department head.
16 September 2023
The Laboratory of Ecology and Conservation is Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere
The lab's staff is stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no idea how they got there. Inspired by The New Valleys' "Middle of Nowhere."