Akbar Reza, SSi, MSc
Abay is a marine ecologist with interest in socio-ecological systems, a conservation and technology enthusiast, and is learning to be a good storyteller and science communicator. His hobbies include diving, hiking, swimming, and sleeping.

Dr. rer. nat. Andhika Puspito Nugroho
Andhika studies the responses of organisms to the presence of metals, microplastics, and insecticides in the ecosystem, at the molecular to population/community levels. The parameters he has studied include DNA damage, protein, carbohydrate and lipid content, antioxidative enzyme activity, metallothionein, metabolomics, density, and biomass, along with evaluating the responses as biomarkers or bioindicators in monitoring ecosystem health. In the faculty, he assists in the academic activities of its Master's program. In his free time, Andhika enjoys going to the gym, baking cakes, and reading horror stories.

Mukhlish Jamal Musa Holle, MEnvSc, DPhil
Jamal was academically trained as a tropical community ecologist. He uses experimental approaches to manipulate environmental conditions and community composition to investigate how ecosystems respond to changes. His recent interests revolve around environmental change ecology, nature-based solutions, and agro-ecology. In the lab, he carries out any task within his capacity as an early-career staff member. After completing an MBA, this introvert started gaining a personal interest in nature sustainability from economics and policy perspectives. He has started participating in sports such as archery, running, and swimming, but procrastination consistently prevents him doing sports he likes. Fun fact: Jamal could sleep anywhere, including while standing and cycling.

Siti Nurleily Marliana, PhD
Lelly is an ecologist focused on the interface between the wildlife, vegetation, and human realms. In the laboratory, she is responsible for managing its overall direction, its day-to-day running, and helping students navigate academic life. A rascal at heart, Lelly otherwise spends her free time singing in small clubs, cooking and baking scrumptious food, playing guitar uncomfortably, sleeping in her comfy bed, and watching movies.

As the lab technician, Tukijan is the go-to for anything any you need to know about the lab. Outside the lab, he can often be found out in the field, where he spends his free time farming.

Amalia Nur Hidayah
Nickname: Amal

Arli Siti Nurlaila
Nickname: Arli

Della Putri Syalom
Nickname: Della
Interests: Ghibli-enthu, cooking, and singing. 😽

Fachriszal Abdullah
Nickname: Abdul

Laila Widi Utami
Nickname: Ela

Novella Arrdea Putri
Nickname: Novel

Setefani Yulia Tiara Putri
Nickname: Setefani
Interests: Genshin addict, reading, and cooking.

Alyaa Sarah Az Zahraa
Nickname: Alyaa

Angela Puspa Larasati
Nickname: Angela

Catherine Tedjasaputra
Nickname: Catherine
Interests: Bossa nova is nice. :) Enjoys sketching! And animals.

Fauza Bahtiar Alim
Nickname: Alim
Interests: Rock (and any genre rooted in rock) and new wave music, anime, and sleeping on my free days.

Kaifa Salwa Arrahma
Nickname: Kaifa

Mafaza Shofha Jamila
Nickname: Mafaza
Interests: Odontoceti and Selachii ^__^, average animangas enjoyer, connoisseur of Taylor Swift.

Maria Donna Miranda
Nickname: Donna

Muhamad Nur Ikhsan
Nickname: Ikhsan
Interests: Swimming, reading manga, Stoicism.

Najma Hadiyah Salma
Nickname: Najma

Renada Oktavia
Nickname: Renada
Interests: Ocean, algae, going to a quiet library, and nature.

Ronald Wihan Pradana
Nickname: Ronald
Interests: Directioners, plants, studying, and gaining knowledge.

Salsa Hudan Nurrohmah
Nickname: Salsa

Sefiansyah Rizqi Fauzi
Nickname: Uzi

Tiara Amalia Nur Sabrina
Nickname: Tiara
Interests: People-observing, listening to people, and meditation.

Tizania Putri Langithari
Nickname: Tiza
Interests: Microalgae, nature, KNY!!